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Extinct Animals of the Earth



I am pleased to present to you my new project called Extinct Animals of the Earth. With this project, I would like to draw your attention to what wonderful, interesting and rare animals and birds humanity has lost. Just as a reminder of what animals and birds existed on our planet.


Якорь 1

Mauritian dodo


My first drawing in the project is a Mauritian dodo. Large, overweight, non-flying birds. The Dodo quickly fell prey to hungry sailors and animals. In just a few years, this species disappeared from Earth. The last evidence of the existence of the dodo dates back to 1681.
Now scientists are trying to recreate this bird from the surviving DNA - I hope they will succeed


Якорь 2

This is a subspecies of the tiger. Turanian tiger. Due to hunting and deforestation, this tiger disappeared from the Earth in 1948.
But this art for me is connected with hope. After all, it is in my homeland, Kazakhstan, that joint efforts are planned to reintroduce the Turanian tiger. Kazakhstan is one of the options for the restoration of the Turanian tiger, and I am very happy about that.
This is a very long and expensive journey. In the beginning, it will be necessary to completely restore the ecosystem of the Turanian tiger. Then, in 2024-2025, to bring the Amur tiger to these lands. Why the Amur tiger? Because the Amur and Turanian tigers are very similar, and if you place the Amru tiger to the ecosystem in which the Turanian tiger lived, it is possible to revive the extinct species.


Якорь 3

This is the quagga, a subspecies of the zebra. The quagga had a unique coloring - it looked like a zebra in the front, and the back resembled wild horses.
They were very active and easily tamed. Often they were used in the protection of livestock, since quaggas could attack predators.
Quaggas was massacred by hunters. Presumably the last wild quagga was killed in 1878. The last individual in captivity was a female - she died on August 12, 1883 - this was the last quagga on Earth.
But scientists have managed to recreate quagga using DNA. These are not the same quaggas that were in ancient times. But they are very similar. I hope that someday quaggas will live on our planet again.


Якорь 4

This is the Laughing Owl. She lived in New Zealand. The laughing owl was named so because of her voice. I wonder how she sounded?
The owl hunted mainly on the ground, walking on its feet. Nests were also built on the ground, the female continuously sat on eggs for 25 days, and the male fed her all this time.
in 1914, the last of the Laughing Owl was found dead.
The cause of the extinction is also called human activity, which changed the habitat of birds, new parasites and bacteria and the extermination of the owl.


Якорь 5

This is the Sardinian pika. An extinct species of hare. He looked like a big hare, but only without a tail. And he lived mainly underground, on the islands of Sardinia and Corsica
As a result of the hunting of local residents, the Sardinian pika was completely exterminated at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.
I think he looked like a big mouse, but without a long tail.

Якорь 6

This is a marsupial wolf. He lived in Australia and Tasmania. 
Outwardly looked like a dog. Its mouth could open up to 120 degrees, there was a fold of skin between its hind legs like a kangaroo and thanks to their hind legs they could jump like a kangaroo!
By the 20th century, the marsupial wolf was exterminated due to false accusations of killing sheep (in fact, the sheep were too large for these wolves). The last representative of this breed, named Benjamin, died in 1936 at the zoo.
Scientists are also trying to restore this extinct species with the help of preserved DNA.

Якорь 7

This is a little golden toad.
She lived near Monteverde (Costa Rica). According to eyewitnesses, they were like little precious stones - the toads had such a bright color.
But due to human activities, the humid and warm habitat of these frogs has been destroyed. This led to drought and the extinction of the golden toads. After 1989, no one else saw these toads.

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